Our latest selection of podcasts and blog posts

You may have some time to read and listen to podcasts during your holidays. Here is a selection of our most recent podcasts and blog posts, we hope you find them interesting. Enjoy!

Fireside Chats At Codurance we have lots of informal conversations about many different topics, quite often after work, having a drink. Some of those conversations were quite insightful...

New Demystifying Software Modernisation Video Series! This series is a 7-part educational series, which will teach you everything you need to know about Software Modernisation from how to frame your strategy, to advice on how to overcome the common challenges.


Software Modernisation and Employee Retention

Separate but as one, the possible ingredients for effective teamwork

DevOps is the guide to your Software Modernisation journey

The Hidden Cost of Not Modernising

Five Ways to Lead Positive Change Through Software Modernisation



How to advocate for Technical Change

Building a business case for your software modernisation initiative

5 signs that it is time to launch a modernisation strategy

Software Modernisation Webinars




Signs Your Software is Rotting

Achieving Stability and Speed in Software Delivery

Microservices adventures: Ignoring platform complexity

Premature Microservices

Coupling in distributed systems

Thoughts on Coupling in Software Design

Tech Community of Practice Videos