- By Emily Pipkin
- ·
- Posted 25 Oct 2022
Manchester Tech Festival 2022 Key Takeaways
Codurance had the pleasure of sponsoring the ‘software engineering as a craft’ track at the first ever Manchester Tech Festival. Manchester Tech..
“TDD is a design tool.” That’s what I’ve said for years. But not anymore. After working with different teams in different organisations, I realised that I don’t believe anymore that TDD is a design tool. In this talk I’ll be explaining the pros and cons of the two main styles of TDD, discuss why some developers can test-drive well-crafted code while others can’t, and also explain how to reason about design decisions.
For more about the differences between TDD styles, please check Sandro's blog post Does TDD really lead to good design?
Codurance had the pleasure of sponsoring the ‘software engineering as a craft’ track at the first ever Manchester Tech Festival. Manchester Tech..
In this video, Alberto Brandolini, founder of Avanscoperta and creator of Event Storming, talks to Sandro Mancuso about Interaction Driven Design..
In this video, Lemi Orhan Ergin, founder of the Turkey Software Craftsmanship Community, interviews Sandro Mancuso about Software Craftsmanship..
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