AI Code Assistants: Overview

17 Sep 2024
Tiago Oliveira (en)

Tiago Oliveira (en)

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AI Code Assistants: Overview

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence is amazing nearly every industry, and software development is no exception. One of the most intriguing applications of AI in this domain is the rise of AI-powered code assistants. These tools which leverage state-of-the-art machine learning models, have the potential to transform how developers write, debug, and maintain code.

In this series of blog posts, we'll explore the current landscape of AI code assistants, discussing and showcasing key features, capabilities, and underlying technologies that make these tools possible.

The technology behin

The power of AI code assistants lies in machine learning models, particularly large language models (LLMs) like GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and Codex. These models are designed to understand and generate human-like text and have been trained on extensive datasets that include a wide variety of programming languages, frameworks, code repositories and patterns from vast amounts of code and text data, enabling them to generate coherent and contextually appropriate code snippets.

One of the reasons LLMs are so effective in code-related tasks is their ability to be fine-tuned for specific programming languages or development environments.Transfer learning, a machine learn technique that allows these models to leverage pre-existing knowledge while adapting to new contexts, making them versatile tools for various coding tasks.

AI Code Assistant

At its core, an AI code assistant is a software tool that helps developers by providing intelligent code suggestions, autocompletion, and even generating code snippets based on natural language descriptions. The primary goal of an AI code assistant is to increase developer productivity and reduce the cognitive load associated with writing and maintaining code.

By offering real-time suggestions and automating routine tasks, these tools allow developers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of software development.

AI code assistants are typically integrated into popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) like Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, or even cloud-based platforms like GitHub. This integration ensures that the assistant is accessible where developers spend most of their time, providing real-time suggestions and feedback as they code.

Key Features and Capabilitie

AI code assistants offer a range of features that can be broadly categorized into several key areas:

Code Suggestions: code assistants can suggest entire code blocks based on the current context, like recommending a sorting algorithm when writing a function to sort an array.

Autocompletion: an essential feature that predicts and completes code as you type, offering context-aware suggestions that consider the overall structure and intent of your code.

Code Generation from comments: developers can write a comment describing the desired functionality, and the AI assistant generates the corresponding code, speeding up prototyping and reducing repetitive tasks.

Bug Fixing: AI tools help debug by identify and fix problems, suggest optimisations, and improve code quality by analyzing common errors, performance issues and security vulnerabilities.

Test Creation: can automate unit test creation by generating test cases from existing code, ensuring better coverage and catching potential bugs early.

Contextual Awareness: the effectiveness of an AI assistant depends on its ability to understand the broader context, including recognising patterns, adhering to project-specific conventions, and integrating with other tools.

Major player

Although the hype of AI is quite fresh, there are already several AI code assistants leading the market, each with its unique strengths and approaches. Let's take a brief overlook of some of the most popular options:

GitHub Copilo

GitHub Copilot is powered by OpenAI's Codex model and is one of the most widely used AI code assistants. Integrated directly into Visual Studio Code, Copilot provides real-time code suggestions and autocompletion based on the context of the code you’re writing. It excels in generating code snippets, boilerplate code, and even full functions based on natural language prompts.

Strengths: Seamless integration with GitHub, strong support for popular languages, and extensive community feedback

Limitations: May sometimes suggest insecure or inefficient code patterns and lacks deep customisation options for specific coding standards


Llama, developed by Meta, is an open-source large language model that has been adapted for various tasks, including coding. While not a traditional AI code assistant, Llama's versatility allows developers to fine-tune it for specific languages and frameworks, making it a powerful tool for those willing to customise their coding environment.

Strengths: Open-source nature allows for full customisation, adaptability to niche programming languages, and strong support from the open-source community.

Limitations: Requires more technical expertise to set up and fine-tune, and may not offer as polished a user experience as commercial solutions.

Azure AI Studi

Azure AI Studio by Microsoft offers a more enterprise-focused solution, with integration into the broader Azure ecosystem. It provides features like advanced code suggestions, automatic documentation generation, and code refactoring tools. Azure AI Studio is particularly strong in scenarios where AI needs to be integrated into large-scale, cloud-based applications.

Strengths: Deep integration with Azure services, strong enterprise support, and advanced machine learning capabilities for custom model training.

Limitations: Requires a deeper understanding of the Azure ecosystem and can be more complex to set up and manage compared to other tools.


Q is Amazon’s answer to AI-powered coding assistance, integrated into AWS environments. It offers code suggestions, security best practices, and helps with cloud-specific development tasks like writing Lambda functions or managing AWS infrastructure through code.

Strengths: Excellent for developers working within the AWS ecosystem, strong focus on secure coding practices, and tailored support for cloud-native applications.

Limitations: Limited utility outside the AWS environment, and the feature set is still evolving compared to more mature competitors.

At Codurance we've been performing tests on how the different code assistants perform and evaluate it's usability in a production environment.

Final thought

AI code assistants represent a significant leap forward in software development, offering powerful tools to enhance productivity and code quality. While the technology is still evolving, the current state of AI demonstrates the potential to transform how we approach coding using assistants. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting, integrating an AI code assistant into your workflow could be a game-changer.

Stay tuned for the next post, where we'll dive deeper into the specific features of these tools, comparing how different code assistants stack up in terms of capabilities, ease of use, and overall effectiveness.